BARE-ROOT HEDGING Acer campestre (5 Plants) 40/60 1+1
Field maple. A British native, medium sized tree with green leaves that turns yellow in autumn. Deciduous. Can be used as a specimen to be included in a hedge or intermingled into the hedge. Will grow in most sites and soils. Plant at between 37.5-45cm (15-18in) apart.
BARE-ROOT HEDGING Alnus glutinosa (5 Plants) 60/80 1+1
Alnus glutinosa is a deciduous conical shaped tree with dark fissured bark, the dark green leaves are, racquet-shaped and leathery with serrated edges. Catkins appear between February and April adding some winter interest. A native to Britain, with a natural habitat in moist ground and thrives in damp, cool areas such as marches, wet woodland and streams where its roots help to prevent soil erosion....
BARE-ROOT HEDGING Amelancher lamarckii (5 Plants) 60/90 1+1
‘Snowy Mespilus’. Coppery-red leaves - silky when young - rich colouring in the Autumn. White flowers in Spring. Deciduous. Will make a fine hedge on its own but can also be used as a specimen. Will grow in most sites and soils. Plant at between 37.5-45cm (15-18in) apart. Bundle of 5 plants. Bare-root.
BARE-ROOT HEDGING Betula alba pendula (5 Plants) 60/100 1+1
'Common Silver Birch' or The ‘Lady of the Woods’ is a graceful slender tree which carries all year round interest. The variable, silver peeling bark develops with age and slightly pendulous branches. Diamond-shaped green leaves turn buttery yellow in the autumn. Yellowish-brown catkins develop over winter and look stunning in the spring. Makes an excellent windbreak and specimen, native tree....
BARE-ROOT HEDGING Carpinus betulus (5 Plants) 60/80 1+1
'Common Hornbeam'. Elegant shaped tree with serrate, ribbed leaves and characteristic grey, fluted bark. A good substitute for beech in clay soils. Deciduous.Can be trained to a height of between 1.2-2.4m (4-8ft). Plant at between 37.5-45cm (15-18in) apart.
BARE-ROOT HEDGING Cornus sanguinea (5 Plants) 60/100 1+1
'Native Dogwood'. Our native hedgerow species - greenish, red flushed stems and has purple Autumn colour. Deciduous. Can be grown in damp areas in sun or partial shade. Plant at between 45-75cm (18-30in) apart.
BARE-ROOT HEDGING Corylus avellana (5 Plants) 60/80 1+1
'Common Nut'. Our native species, useful as a tall multi-stemmed screening shrub that, although deciduous, is impressive when draped with its long, yellow lambs' tails in February. Will grow in most well-drained soils in sun or shade. Can be trained to a height of between 1.5-1.8m (5-6ft). Plant at between 45-75cm (18-30in) apart.
BARE-ROOT HEDGING Cotoneaster simonsii (5 Plants) 40/60 1+1
'Himalayan Cotoneaster'
BARE-ROOT HEDGING Crataegus monogyna (10 Plants) 60/80 1+1
An adaptable plant for most situations, very good for a natural hedge. A native plant that is covered in fragrant, white flowers in May and then red fruits (Haws) in the Autumn. Deciduous. Will grow in most soils in sun or shade. Can be trained to a height of between 1.2-2.1m (4-7ft). Plant at between 37.5-45cm (15-18in) apart. Bundle of 10 plants. Bare-root.
BARE-ROOT HEDGING Euonymus europaeus (5 Plants) 60/100 1+1
'Spindle'. A twiggy, upright, spreading, deciduous shrub native to Europe, with narrowly ovate leaves which are dark green in summer turning yellow-green to reddish-purple in autumn. Flowers in May/June and although the yellow-green flowers are inconspicuous, they are nectar rich so very attractive to pollinating insects, great for a bee friendly garden. Flowers are following in the autumn by 4-lobed...
BARE-ROOT HEDGING Fagus sylvatica (10 Plants) 60/80 1+2
Our native beech is excellent for hedge making and has rich golden copper Autumn foliage. Given a well-drained soil and avoiding heavy clay it will survive in extreme acid or alkaline soils in sun or shade. Can be trained to a height of between 1.2-2.4m (4-8ft). Plant at between 37.5-45cm (15-18in) apart.
BARE-ROOT HEDGING Hippophae rhamnoides (5 Plants) 60/80 1+1
'Sea Buckthorn'
BARE-ROOT HEDGING Ligustrum ovalifolium (10 Plants) 60/90 0+2 2 STEM
A good screening or hedging plant. Semi-evergreen. Rich, dark green oval leaves. White flowers from August to September , followed by shining black fruits from August. Will grow in most well-drained soils in sun or partial shade. Harmful if eaten. Can be trained to a height of between 1.2-1.8m (4-6ft). Plant at between 37.5-45cm (15-18in) apart.
BARE-ROOT HEDGING Prunus spinosa (10 Plants) 60/80 1+1
'Blackthorn', 'Sloe'. A familiar native shrub used in hedges, with spiny branches that are clothed in March or early April with small white flowers. Very hardy. Can be trained to a height of between 1.2-2.1m (4-7ft). Will grow in most soils in sun or partial shade. Plant at between 37.5-45cm (15-18in) apart.
BARE-ROOT HEDGING Rosa canina (5 Plants) 60/100 1+1
'Dog Rose'. A native deciduous rose of hedgerows with pale green leaves. Pretty single, white or pink, scented flowers produced from June to July followed by red hips from August, persisting into Winter. Can be used in native hedgeroses. Height & Spread - 3m (10ft). Will grow in most well-drained soils in sun or shade.
BARE-ROOT HEDGING Rosa rubiginosa (5 Plants) 60/100 1+1
'Sweet Briar'
BARE-ROOT HEDGING Rosa rugosa 'Alba' (5 Plants) 40/60 1+1
‘Ramanas Rose’. Very vigorous habit - great for hedging. The leaves are conspicuously veined & the white flowers are produced continuously through the Summer then followed by bright red, tomato shaped fruits (not edible). Most well drained soils in sun/part shade. Can be trained to a height of between 1.5-2.1 m (5-7 ft). Plant at between 90-120 cm (3-4ft) apart.
BARE-ROOT HEDGING Rosa rugosa 'Rubra' (5 Plants) 40/60 1+1
A variety of 'Ramanas Rose'. Its vigorous habit makes it great for hedging. Conspicuously veined leaves and fragrant flowers in Summer followed by red fruits. Deciduous. Will grow in most well-drained soils in sun or part shade. Can be trained to a height of between 1.5-2.1m (5-7ft). Plant at between 90-120cm (3-4ft) apart.
BARE-ROOT HEDGING Salix alba (5 Plants) 80/120 0+1
Narrow silver-backed leaves which shimmer in the wind. Long yellow catkins in May. Deciduous. Can be grown & trimmed to a height of 1.2-1.8m+ (4-6ft+). Grow in most soils in sun / part-shade. Plant at between 37.5-45cm (15-18in) apart. Bundle of 5 Plants. Bare-root.
BARE-ROOT HEDGING Salix viminalis (5 Plants) 120/140 0+1
'Common Osier'. A variety long cultivated for basket making. A large, vigorous, native shrub or small tree with long, straight shoots. Catkins appear before the leaves. Can be coppiced or made into a hedge. Will grow in damp soils in sun or part-shade. Can be trained to a height of between 1.5-2.1m (5-7ft). Plant at between 45-75cm (18-30in) apart.
BARE-ROOT HEDGING Viburnum lantana (5 Plants) 60/80 1+1
'Wayfering Tree'. A perfect ornamental shrub for informal hedging. It offers seasonal interest with white spring flowers that appear in domed clusters in late spring, followed by red berries that ripen to black. The grey-green, deeply toothed leaves turn red in autumn for warm seasonal colour. Ideal for including into a mixed native hedge or for relaxed, country style boundaries.Will grow in most...
BARE-ROOT HEDGING Viburnum opulus (5 Plants) 60/80 1+1
'Guelder Rose'. A British native deciduous shrub with dark green leaves turning red in Autumn. White flower heads from May to June. Bright red fruits from July. Can be used as a specimen or included in a hedge. Height 2.4m+ (8ft+). Spread - 2.1m (7ft+). Grow in most soils in sun or part shade. Plant at between 23-30cm (9-12in) apart. Bundle of 5 Plants. Bare-root.
Photinia x fraseri 'Red Robin' 5L
An upright, evergreen shrub with dark green leaves, bright red when young. The small white flowers from April to May are sometimes followed by bright red fruit from August. Height - 1.5m (5ft); Spread - 1.8m (6ft). Will grow in most soils in sun or partial shade.
Prunus laurocerasus 'Rotundifolia' 3L
'Laurel'. Dense, bushy, evergreen shrub with large glossy, dark green leaves. Makes an excellent hedging plant, and can cope with deep shade under trees. Produces spikes of creamy-white flowers in Spring, following by red berries which are Harmful if eaten. Plant 45-60cm (18-24in) apart. Height - 1.8m+ (6ft+) Will grow in most well-drained soils, in sun or shade. Get 10% off when you buy 10 or more.
SUMMER HEATHER Calluna vulgaris 'Darkness' 9cm
Masses of crimson flowers from August to October, with dark green foliage. A neat compact, upright habit. Flowers from August to October. Prefers moist, but well-drained acid soil in a sunny position. Height - 21-25cm (8-10in); Spread - 30- 45cm (12-18in). Best trimmed after flowering.
SUMMER HEATHER Calluna vulgaris 'Jana' 9cm
Double red flowers on medium green foliage. Blooms August to September. Prefers moist, but well-drained acid soil in a sunny position. HEIGHT - 40cm16in. SPREAD - 50cm (20in). Trim to base of flower spike after flowering.
SUMMER HEATHER Calluna vulgaris 'Kinlochruel' 9cm
A spectacular plant with pure white, double flowers from August to September. Bright green foliage. Prefers moist, but well-drained acid soil in a sunny position. Height - 20-25cm (8-10in); Spread - 30-45cm (12-18in). Best trimmed after flowering.
SUMMER HEATHER Calluna vulgaris 'Peter Sparkes' 9cm
Long racemes of double rose pink flowers from August to November. Dark green foliage. Prefers moist, but well-drained acid soil in a sunny position. Height - 26-30cm (10-12in); Spread 46-60cm (18-24in. Best trimmed after flowering.
SUMMER HEATHER Calluna vulgaris 'Red Favorit' 1L
Double crimson flowers from August to September. Broad spreading habit. Dark green foliage. Prefers moist, but well-drained acid soil in a sunny position. Height - 20cm (8in); Spread - 70cm (28in). Best trimmed after flowering.
SUMMER HEATHER Calluna vulgaris 'Yellow Beauty' 1L
Semi-double, cherry-red flowers from August to October. Yellow foliage in Summer, turning a stunning orange in Autumn and Winter. Prefers moist, but well-drained acid soil in a sunny position. Height - 25cm (10in). Spread - 35cm (14in). Best trimmed after flowering.