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Clematis 'Best Wishes'   2.5L/3L
Clematis 'Best Wishes' 2.5L/3L
A deciduous Climber. Large mauve-white flowers with a purple tint and central bars. Stems and leaves purple when young. Flowers from June to September. Height 2.4-3m (8-10ft). Requires a fertile, moisture-retentive, but well-drained soil. Prefers a Southern or Westerly aspect. Pruning Group 3 - Prune Hard to the lowest buds in early Spring.

Clematis alpina 'Pamela Jackman'  2.5L/3L
Clematis alpina 'Pamela Jackman' 2.5L/3L
A deciduous climber with light green leaves and deep blue nodding, bell-shaped flowers produced in April and May. Attractive seed heads. Height - 2-4m (7-13ft). Prefers well-drained soil in sun or shade. Pruning Group 1 - If necessary, Lightly Prune after flowering to keep tidy.
Clematis alpina 'Willy'  2.5L/3L
Clematis alpina 'Willy' 2.5L/3L
A deciduous climber with light green leaves and pink, nodding flowers which open almost flat, red at the base, are produced in April and May. Attractive seed heads. Height - 3m (10ft); Spread - 90 cm (3ft). Prefers well-drained soil in sun or shade. Lightly prune back to a pair of good buds after flowering.