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ALPINE Ajuga reptans 'Chocolate Chip'   9cm
ALPINE Ajuga reptans 'Chocolate Chip' 9cm
‘Bugle’. An attractive ground cover plant with elongated, shiny, chocolate and green coloured foliage. Short bluish-purple flower spikes from May to June. Prefers moist soils, but will tolerate moderately dry ones. Height - 15cm (6in). Spread - 20cm (8in).
ALPINE Armeria maritima 'Nifty Thrifty'  9cm
ALPINE Armeria maritima 'Nifty Thrifty' 9cm
‘Thrift’ or ‘Sea Pink’. Tidy little mounds of grass-like foliage, each tiny dark green leaf being outlined with a band of cream. Produces balls of hot pink flower in late Spring. Especially attractive in a gravel scree garden or alpine trough. Prefers a sunny, well-drained position. Height - 15-20cm (6-8in). Spread - 30cm (12in).

ALPINE Campanula garganica 'Dicksons Gold'   9cm
ALPINE Campanula garganica 'Dicksons Gold' 9cm
Spreading semi-evergreen perennial with heart-shaped, toothed, golden-yellow leaves. Attractive star-shaped, blue to lilac flowers from June to August. Height 5cm (2in); Spread- 30cm (12in). Prefers well-drained soil in a sunny position.

ALPINE Campanula poscharskyana   9cm
ALPINE Campanula poscharskyana 9cm
A form of 'Bellflower'. Vigorous spreading perennial with rounded, mid-green leaves. Masses of starry, pale lavender flowers with white centres from June to September. Height - 25cm (10in); Spread - 90cm (3ft). Will grow in most well-drained soils in sun or partial shade.
ALPINE Cerastium tomentosum   9cm
ALPINE Cerastium tomentosum 9cm
'Snow-in-summer'. A rampant spreading low alpine with silvery foliage and masses of star-shaped white flowers from April to June. Height - 10cm (4in); Spread - 1.2m (4ft). Prefers a sunny position in well-drained soil.

ALPINE Delosperma 'Jewel Of Desert Topaz'   1L
ALPINE Delosperma 'Jewel Of Desert Topaz' 1L
An amazing NEW colour. A prostrate, fleshy-leaved alpine with tangerine-orange flowers with a white halo, with orange and blushing pink hues. Height - 10-15cm (4-6in). Spread - 30-50cm (12-20in). Needs a light, very well-drained soil in a sunny position.
ALPINE Delosperma cooperi  9cm
ALPINE Delosperma cooperi 9cm
'Cooper's Iceplant'. A prostrate fleshy-leaved alpine with small, round leaves and purple flowers from June until October (or frosts!). Height - 7.5-10cm (3-4in); Spread - 45cm (18in). Needs very well-drained soil in a sunny position.

ALPINE Dianthus 'Arctic Star'   9cm
ALPINE Dianthus 'Arctic Star' 9cm
The white, fragrant, fully double flowers appear from late Spring to early Summer and have sharply pinked petals edges. Height - 15-20cm (6-8in). Spread - 15-25cm (6-10in). Prefers a sunny position in well-drained soil.

ALPINE Dianthus 'Neon Star'  9cm
ALPINE Dianthus 'Neon Star' 9cm
Blanketed in stunning fragrant hot pink frilly flowers from late Spring to mid-Summer. Dense, compact foliage. Height - 15cm (6in). Spread - 20cm (8in). Prefers a sunny position with free-draining, open soil.

ALPINE Dianthus 'Whatfield Gem'   9cm
ALPINE Dianthus 'Whatfield Gem' 9cm
Double maroon and white flowers, likened to strawberries and cream. Forms neat mounds of grey-green leaves. Height - 10cm (4in). Spread - 20cm. Prefers a sunny position with free-draining, open soil.

ALPINE Gypsophylia repens 'Rosea'  9cm
ALPINE Gypsophylia repens 'Rosea' 9cm
A mat-forming alpine with narrow bluish green leaves. Loose panicles of star-shaped soft rose-pink flowers from June to August. Height - 5cm (2in); Spread - 40cm (16in). Prefers very free-draining soil in a sunny position.
ALPINE Lampranthus - Pink  9cm
ALPINE Lampranthus - Pink 9cm
A drought-tolerant succulent plant covered in masses of bright pink, daisy-like, iridescent flowers from May to September. Prefers a light, very well drained sandy soil. Best grown in a sheltered, really sunny site, over a low wall or in shallow containers. Height - 20cm (8in). Spread - 30cm (12in). Protect from winter wet and hard frosts.

ALPINE Phlox douglasii 'Red Admiral'   9cm
ALPINE Phlox douglasii 'Red Admiral' 9cm
Suitable for the rock garden. Displays red-rose flowers in Springtime. Forms a low ground-hugging plant. Best when planted in full sun in well-drained soil. Height - 10 cm (4 in). Flowering time - April & May.

ALPINE Primula denticulata 'White'  9cm
ALPINE Primula denticulata 'White' 9cm
'Drumstick Primula'. A perennial with rosettes of mid-green leaves. Stout stems of rounded white flowers from April to May. Height and Spread - 45cm (18in). Prefers moist but well-drained soil in sun or partial shade.

ALPINE Saponaria ocymoides   9cm
ALPINE Saponaria ocymoides 9cm
'Tumbling Ted'. A mat-forming alpine with bright green leaves. Loose clusters of pink flowers from June to August. Height - 8cm (3in); Spread - 45cm (18in). Will grow in most places (!) but likes free-draining soil in a sunny position.
ALPINE Silene uniflora (MARITIMA)  9cm
ALPINE Silene uniflora (MARITIMA) 9cm
A.K.A. - Silene maritima. A form of 'Sea Campion'. A valuable plant for the rock garden. It forms a mound of short, grey, pointed waxy leaves, with large frilly-looking flowers in white with a reddish striped calyx, from late spring through summer. Height - 10cm (4in). Will grow really well in a suuny location in sun or partial shade.

ALPINE Veronica prostrata 'Goldwell'  9cm
ALPINE Veronica prostrata 'Goldwell' 9cm
Short spikes of soft purple-blue flowers in May and June. Rich green, narrow leaves are edged in bright gold. Forms low, tight mats. Great for sunny slopes. Shear lightly after blooming to remove spent flower stalks and neaten appearance. Height & Spread - 10 x 45cm (4 x 18in). Will perform well in any good, well-drained garden soil in sun or partial shade.

Viola riviniana purpurea group   1L
Viola riviniana purpurea group 1L
AKA - V. labradorica. A dense spreading perennial with heart-shaped, dark purplish semi ever- green leaves. Violet blue flowers from late spring to early summer. Self-seeds rapidly. Height - 10-20cm (4-8in); Spread - 20-40cm (8-16in). Will grow in most well-drained soils in sun or partial shade.

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ALPINE Aquilegia alpina 9cm
Compact variety of upward facing blue-white flowers on strong stems above a mound of attractive foliage. Flowering Time - Early to late Spring. Height - 45cm (18"). Spread - 30cm (12"). Prefers well-drained soil in a sunny position.

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ALPINE Aster alpinus 'Happy End' 9cm
Attractive, semi-double, lavender-pink 'daisies' cover this pretty alpine aster from late Spring to Summer. Ideal for rock and trough gardens. Prefers well-drained soil in full sun or partial shade. Height - 25cm (10in); Spread 30cm (12in).

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ALPINE Aubrieta 'Silberand' 9cm
Excellent ground cover plant bearing impressive large violet flowers in Spring.. Flowering Time - Early to late Spring. Height - 10cm (4''). Spread - 60cm (24''). Prefers well-drained soil in a sunny position.

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ALPINE Erigeron karvinskianus 'Profusion' 9cm
A prolific bloomer of long lasting, small white, fading to pink daisy like flowers. Flowering Time - Early to late Summer. Height - 20cm (8''). Spread - 30cm (12''). Prefers well-drained soil in a sunny position.

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ALPINE Helianthemum 'Wisley Primrose' 9cm
Attractive Rock Rose with pale yellow primrose flowers above an evergreen low growing habit. Flowering Time - Late Spring to mid Summer. Height - 25cm (10"). Spread - 40cm (16"). Prefers well-drained soil in a sunny position.

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ALPINE Leontopodium alpina 9cm
All time favourite, which has fascinating felted starry flowers above a woolly grey-green foliage. Flowering Time - Mid Spring to early Summer. Height - 15cm (6"). Spread - 25cm (10"). Prefers well-drained soil in a sunny position.

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ALPINE Pulsatilla vulgaris 'Alba' 9cm
Attractive fern like foliage producing large furry buds that open into beautiful white flowers. Flowering Time - Early to late Spring. Height - 15cm (6’’). Spread - 25cm (10’’). Prefers well-drained soil in a sunny position.

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