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DEEP WATER - Aponogeton distachyos   1L
DEEP WATER - Aponogeton distachyos 1L
Water hawthorn. Free flowering for most of the year. Very hardy, if protected from frost, it will flower all winter. It dies back for a short time in August. Fragile leaves may be damaged in transit, remove these and new will soon regrow. This plant looks fantastic early and late in the year. The foliage dies back in the summer. Leaves damaged in transit can be removed and new ones will grow.
DEEP WATER - Nymphoides peltata   1L
DEEP WATER - Nymphoides peltata 1L
Water fringe. A delicate little plant that has a profusion of yellow flowers on plantlets that float across the water surface. Plant in still water away from splashing fountains. Can be vigorous in very shallow, marshy ground. No maintenance is necessary but excess growth can be trimmed when required

FLOATING PLANT - Hydrocharis morsus ranae
FLOATING PLANT - Hydrocharis morsus ranae
Frogbit. A pretty little native plant with small kidney-shaped, bright green leaves and very small white flowers. They can tolerate dense shade. Allow to die back naturally as in the autumn small buds are formed which fall off and sink to the bottom and the old plant rots away. These winter buds remain on the bottom to rise again in the spring to form new plants.
FLOATING PLANT - Pistia stratoides
FLOATING PLANT - Pistia stratoides
Water lettuce. The lettuce shaped leaves are soft & hairy. This plant spreads by sending out runners to form young plants. The fine roots give good cover for small fish. Pistia are not hardy and do best placed in sheltered pools. Not hardy. Remove decaying plants after first frost. Very hard to overwinte as they must be placed in shallow water with soil at the base of the container. They should be...

FLOATING PLANT - Trapa natans
FLOATING PLANT - Trapa natans
Water chestnut. Leaf cover shades the surface which helps prevent the growth of algae. Trapas reproduce by forming nuts which sink to the bottom in the autumn. These nuts are called Water Chestnuts and used in Chinese dishes. Allow to die back naturally. In warm summers they will produce nuts that will survive at the bottom of the pond to produce new plants the following season.
LILY  (LARGE) - Nymphaea Alba   3L
LILY (LARGE) - Nymphaea Alba 3L
White water lily. Britain’s only native water lily has handsome green foliage and white, but not prolific, flowers. Best grown about 1 metre deep, but it can grow in up to 3 metres of water if allowed to adjust very gradually, since its growth rate at these depths will be significantly slower. Plant in still water away from splashing fountains. Lower gradually so the leaves can stretch to the surface...

LILY  (LARGE) - Nymphaea Attraction   3L
LILY (LARGE) - Nymphaea Attraction 3L
The large, deep rose-red blooms of this very popular, free-flowering lily are flecked with white. The blooms are sometimes whitish pink until the plant is well established. Plant in still water away from splashing fountains. Lower gradually so the leaves can stretch to the surface within a few days. Remove dead leaves and flowers during the growing season.
LILY  (LARGE) - Nymphaea Charles de Meurville   3L
LILY (LARGE) - Nymphaea Charles de Meurville 3L
This highly attractive and prolific water lily is prized for its luxurious, wine-coloured blooms, carried above handsome foliage. As with all hardy lilies the flowers close as the sun sets. Good for medium to large ponds Plant in still water away from splashing fountains. Lower gradually so the leaves can stretch to the surface within a few days. Remove dead leaves and flowers during the growing season.

LILY  (LARGE) - Nymphaea Darwin (Hollandia)   3L
LILY (LARGE) - Nymphaea Darwin (Hollandia) 3L
This free flowering lily bares beautiful, large, soft pink double flowers which can sometimes be seen at late as October or early November. Good for medium to large ponds. Plant in still water away from splashing fountains. Lower gradually so the leaves can stretch to the surface within a few days. Remove dead leaves and flowers during the growing season.
LILY  (LARGE) - Nymphaea Gladstoniana   3L
LILY (LARGE) - Nymphaea Gladstoniana 3L
An outstanding choice for large ponds and lakes, this wonderfully showy white water lily has impressively large, cup-shaped blooms with golden stamens. The foliage is dark green. It makes a good alternative to the native Nymphaea alba as it is more free flowering. Plant in still water away from splashing fountains. Lower gradually so the leaves can stretch to the surface within a few days. Remove dead...

LILY  (LARGE) - Nymphaea Marliacea Carnea   3L
LILY (LARGE) - Nymphaea Marliacea Carnea 3L
Free-flowering and showy, the large blooms of this attractive water lily are pale pink at the base of the petals gradually changing to white at the tips. Plant in still water away from splashing fountains. Lower gradually so the leaves can stretch to the surface within a few days. Remove dead leaves and flowers during the growing season.

LILY  (LARGE) - Nymphaea Mrs Richmond   3L
LILY (LARGE) - Nymphaea Mrs Richmond 3L
The unusually large, globe-shaped flowers of this lovely water lily are a deep pink that darkens gracefully as they age and surrounded by prolific green foliage. Plant in still water away from splashing fountains. Lower gradually so the leaves can stretch to the surface within a few days. Remove dead leaves and flowers during the growing season.
LILY  (LARGE) - Nymphaea Virginalis   3L
LILY (LARGE) - Nymphaea Virginalis 3L
This much sought-after water lily has exquisitely-shaped, semi-double, pure white flowers surrounded by elegant green foliage. Hardy water lilies are dependable and flower over a long summer season. Plant in still water away from splashing fountains. Lower gradually so the leaves can stretch to the surface within a few days. Remove dead leaves and flowers during the growing season.

LILY  (MEDIUM) - Nymphaea Albatross   3L
LILY (MEDIUM) - Nymphaea Albatross 3L
As it matures, the rich purple foliage of this elegant variety turns to an attractive green. The luxuriant flowers are brilliant white. This is a graceful, easy-to-grow plant, ideal for any medium to large pond. Plant in still water away from splashing fountains. Lower gradually so the leaves can stretch to the surface within a few days. Remove dead leaves and flowers during the growing season.
LILY  (MEDIUM) - Nymphaea Almost Black   3L
LILY (MEDIUM) - Nymphaea Almost Black 3L
Floating gracefully on the surface of the pond in summer, the flowers of this outstanding water lily are an intense, plum colour. The emerging foliage has a striking bronze flush, turning green as it matures. This is one of the darkest of red water lilies. Plant in still water away from splashing fountains. Lower gradually so the leaves can stretch to the surface within a few days. Remove dead leaves...

LILY  (MEDIUM) - Nymphaea Barbara Dobbins   3L
LILY (MEDIUM) - Nymphaea Barbara Dobbins 3L
This hardy, prolific water lily has unusual yellow/peachy flowers with a pink flush. The new leaves are mottled with maroon and turn dark green as they mature. The large blooms rise above the leaves, giving the plant great impact. A free flowering variety. Plant in still water away from splashing fountains. Lower gradually so the leaves can stretch to the surface within a few days. Remove dead leaves...
LILY  (MEDIUM) - Nymphaea Gonnere   3L
LILY (MEDIUM) - Nymphaea Gonnere 3L
This water lily has pure white, double flowers with attractive golden centres. A good variety for medium to large ponds and lakes. Plant in still water away from splashing fountains. Lower gradually so the leaves can stretch to the surface within a few days. Remove dead leaves and flowers during the growing season.

LILY  (MEDIUM) - Nymphaea James Brydon   3L
LILY (MEDIUM) - Nymphaea James Brydon 3L
The cup-shaped flowers of this enchanting water lily are a rich carmine-red, and look very striking set against the green, maroon-flecked foliage. Plant in still water away from splashing fountains. Lower gradually so the leaves can stretch to the surface within a few days. Remove dead leaves and flowers during the growing season.
LILY  (MEDIUM) - Nymphaea Joey Tomocik   3L
LILY (MEDIUM) - Nymphaea Joey Tomocik 3L
Standing just clear of the surrounding water, the deep lemon blooms of this graceful, free flowering water lily make an impressive sight in the summer pond. Plant in still water away from splashing fountains. Lower gradually so the leaves can stretch to the surface within a few days. Remove dead leaves and flowers during the growing season.

LILY  (MEDIUM) - Nymphaea Madame Wilfron Gonnere   3L
LILY (MEDIUM) - Nymphaea Madame Wilfron Gonnere 3L
The large, double, rose-pink blooms of this classic water lily are surrounded by elegant foliage. Plant in still water away from splashing fountains. Lower gradually so the leaves can stretch to the surface within a few days. Remove dead leaves and flowers during the growing season.

LILY  (MEDIUM) - Nymphaea Marliacea Albida   3L
LILY (MEDIUM) - Nymphaea Marliacea Albida 3L
An excellent alternative to Nymphaea alba as it is similar to the only native water lily but it is more free flowering. Plant in still water away from splashing fountains. Lower gradually so the leaves can stretch to the surface within a few days. Remove dead leaves and flowers during the growing season.
LILY  (MEDIUM) - Nymphaea Marliacea Chromatella   3L
LILY (MEDIUM) - Nymphaea Marliacea Chromatella 3L
The mottled, olive-green leaves of this majestic water lily provide the perfect setting for its primrose-yellow blooms, which have bright golden stamens. Plant in still water away from splashing fountains. Lower gradually so the leaves can stretch to the surface within a few days. Remove dead leaves and flowers during the growing season.

LILY  (MEDIUM) - Nymphaea Marliacea Rosea   3L
LILY (MEDIUM) - Nymphaea Marliacea Rosea 3L
Wonderfully free-flowering and showy, the large, pale pink blooms of this attractive water lily look stunning against the elegant foliage. Plant in still water away from splashing fountains. Lower gradually so the leaves can stretch to the surface within a few days. Remove dead leaves and flowers during the growing season.
LILY  (MEDIUM) - Nymphaea Mayla   3L
LILY (MEDIUM) - Nymphaea Mayla 3L
The rich, fuchsia-pink blooms of this gorgeous water lily make a stylish statement in the summer pond and are surrounded by elegant foliage. Plant in still water away from splashing fountains. Lower gradually so the leaves can stretch to the surface within a few days. Remove dead leaves and flowers during the growing season.

LILY  (MEDIUM) - Nymphaea Odorata Sulphurea   3L
LILY (MEDIUM) - Nymphaea Odorata Sulphurea 3L
This tuberous-rooted variety has attractive, purple-blotched foliage and large, sulphur-yellow flowers. Plant in still water away from splashing fountains. Lower gradually so the leaves can stretch to the surface within a few days. Remove dead leaves and flowers during the growing season.
LILY  (MEDIUM) - Nymphaea Paul Hariot   3L
LILY (MEDIUM) - Nymphaea Paul Hariot 3L
The flowers of this beguiling water lily open apricot-yellow, and mature to a graceful orange-pink. The foliage displays attractive maroon spots. Plant in still water away from splashing fountains. Lower gradually so the leaves can stretch to the surface within a few days. Remove dead leaves and flowers during the growing season.

LILY  (MEDIUM) - Nymphaea Sioux   3L
LILY (MEDIUM) - Nymphaea Sioux 3L
Opening soft yellow, the beautifully-proportioned flowers of this popular water lily mature to a reddish-copper, surrounded by elegant green foliage. Plant in still water away from splashing fountains. Lower gradually so the leaves can stretch to the surface within a few days. Remove dead leaves and flowers during the growing season.
LILY (DWARF) - Nymphaea Pygmaea alba   2L
LILY (DWARF) - Nymphaea Pygmaea alba 2L
This enchanting water lily has miniature, cup-shaped white flowers and is the smallest of the white lilies. It is well suited to patio pools and small, shallow water features. Plant in still water away from splashing fountains. Lower gradually so the leaves can stretch to the surface within a few days. Remove dead leaves and flowers during the growing season.

LILY (DWARF) - Nymphaea Pygmaea helvola   2L
LILY (DWARF) - Nymphaea Pygmaea helvola 2L
Prolific tiny star-shaped soft flowers. It has the smallest flowers of any hardy nymphaea. Plant in still water away from splashing fountains. Lower gradually so the leaves can stretch to the surface within a few days. Remove dead leaves and flowers during the growing season.
LILY (SMALL) - Nymphaea Aurora   2L
LILY (SMALL) - Nymphaea Aurora 2L
Intriguingly, the gorgeous blooms of this exceptional water lily are yellow when they first open, turning orange on the second day, and taking on a pinkish-red colour on the third. An excellent choice for any size of pond. Plant in still water away from splashing fountains. Lower gradually so the leaves can stretch to the surface within a few days. Remove dead leaves and flowers during the growing...

LILY (SMALL) - Nymphaea Xiafei   2LLILY (SMALL) - Nymphaea Xiafei   2L
LILY (SMALL) - Nymphaea Xiafei 2L
Bred in China, and introduced at the beginning of the 21st century, this highly attractive water lily has petite red blooms and green foliage, edged with scarlet. Plant in still water away from splashing fountains. Lower gradually so the leaves can stretch to the surface within a few days. Remove dead leaves and flowers during the growing season.

LILY - Nymphaea Odorata Firecrest   3L
LILY - Nymphaea Odorata Firecrest 3L
The fragrant flowers of this attractive water lily have petals that lie widely open, and red-tipped stamens that stand erect at the centre. Plant in still water away from splashing fountains. Lower gradually so the leaves can stretch to the surface within a few days. Remove dead leaves and flowers during the growing season.
LILY - Nymphaea Rose Arey   3L
LILY - Nymphaea Rose Arey 3L
The large, rose-pink, stellate flowers of this charming water lily have slightly incurved petals. It is valued for its free-flowering habit and elegant foliage. Plant in still water away from splashing fountains. Lower gradually so the leaves can stretch to the surface within a few days. Remove dead leaves and flowers during the growing season.

MARGINAL - Acorus calamus   3L
MARGINAL - Acorus calamus 3L
Sweet flag. Dark green iris-like foliage with a small green horn-shaped bloom. It grows from a rhizome which runs across the ground out of which the leaves rise up. It has been used in fragrances and medicinal cures since Egyptian times. Little maintenance is required. Trim just above the water surface after foliage has died back in Autumn to tidy leaving a little material to protect new shoots.
MARGINAL - Acorus calamus variegatus   3L
MARGINAL - Acorus calamus variegatus 3L
Sweet flag. Dark green iris-like foliage with a small green horn-shaped bloom. It grows from a rhizome which runs across the ground out of which the leaves rise up. It has been used in fragrances and medicinal cures since Egyptian times. Little maintenance is required. Trim just above the water surface after foliage has died back in Autumn to tidy leaving a little material to protect new shoots.

MARGINAL - Acorus gramineus Ogon   1L
MARGINAL - Acorus gramineus Ogon 1L
Golden variegated sweet flag. This variegated semi-evergreen has aromatic, showy bright yellow & green striped foliage that grows in attractive wide fans forming large low growing clumps. Little maintenance is required. Trim just above the water surface after foliage has died back in Autumn to tidy leaving a little material to protect new shoots.
MARGINAL - Acorus gramineus Ogon   3L
MARGINAL - Acorus gramineus Ogon 3L
Golden variegated sweet flag. This variegated semi-evergreen has aromatic, showy bright yellow & green striped foliage that grows in attractive wide fans forming large low growing clumps. Little maintenance is required. Trim just above the water surface after foliage has died back in Autumn to tidy leaving a little material to protect new shoots.

MARGINAL - Alisma parviflorum   1L
MARGINAL - Alisma parviflorum 1L
American water plantain. A compact and attractive form of the native Alissima with more rounded leaves. When mature this plant sends up numerous flower heads with multiple, delicate, pinkish-white petals.
MARGINAL - Alisma plantago aquaticum   1LMARGINAL - Alisma plantago aquaticum   1L
MARGINAL - Alisma plantago aquaticum 1L
Water plantain. When mature this plant sends up many flower stems with multiple delicate white flowers and broad, lanceolate leaves. It is also said to be a cure for rabies hence it is sometimes called Mad Dog weed. Likes t9o be kept constantly moist. Remove flower heads soon after flowering to encourage new flowers and prevent self seeding. Trim old foliage after dying back in Autumn

MARGINAL - Anemopsis californicum   3L
MARGINAL - Anemopsis californicum 3L
Known as “Apache beads”, it has beautiful white scented flowers and broad, dark green leaves. Used to be sold in Mexico's markets to ward off malaria and other diseases. The flowers and leaves can be dried for potpourri. Little maintenance is required. Trim just above the water surface after foliage has died back in Autumn to tidy.
MARGINAL - Baldellia ranunculoides   1L
MARGINAL - Baldellia ranunculoides 1L
Lesser water plantain. A delicate little plant that produces a profusion of small, very pale lilac flowers amidst dense lime-green foliage. No maintenance is required

MARGINAL - Butomus umbellatus   1L
MARGINAL - Butomus umbellatus 1L
Flowering rush. Pretty pink flowers in umbels rise above the triangular leaves which turn from red to dark green as they mature. The roots used to be crushed and used as food in northern Asia. Little maintenance is required. Trim just above the water surface after foliage has died back in Autumn to tidy
MARGINAL - Butomus umbellatus   3L
MARGINAL - Butomus umbellatus 3L
Flowering rush. Pretty pink flowers in umbels rise above the triangular leaves which turn from red to dark green as they mature. The roots used to be crushed and used as food in northern Asia. Little maintenance is required. Trim just above the water surface after foliage has died back in Autumn to tidy
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