What to do in the garden in January?

What to do in the garden in January?

Are you wondering what to do in the garden during January? It can be a cold month with the worst of the Winter weather so when hibernating is top of the list, make sure you do it with plenty of seed catalogues, garden books and a hot chocolate. Build on your successes from the previous year, plan your crop rotations and make lists of all the plants you would like to grow in your garden. So make the most of January and get planning:

  • Garden and Flowers
  • Fruit and Vegetables
  • Wildlife


Garden and Flowers

As long as the ground isn't waterlogged or frozen, you can plant out bare root roses ensuring they are in a sunny position. Rose bushes can also be pruned now while they are dormant by cutting back to just above a bud and removing any diseased, crossing or dead stems. After the trimmings are taken down, don't let your Christmas tree go to waste. Keep an eye out for places to take your tree for recycling or alternatively, you can shred your tree and use it as mulch in the garden, add it to your compost heap or lay it over bare soil to suppress weeds.


Fruit and Vegetables

When you are ready to get your coat on and brave the January air, it’s time to prune your fruit trees, such as apple and pear. So if you have been wondering what to do in the garden during January, there is plenty! Gooseberries can also be pruned and autumn fruiting raspberries can be cut back. Perfect time to get some fresh air and prepare your fruit for the growing season ahead. If you have stored fruit, just as with any bulbs and plants, keep a weekly check on them to ensure they are all in good condition. If you spot any sign of rotting or diseased materials or fruit discard it as soon as possible to make sure it doesn't spread. Make sure trays of apples and bags of potatoes have good air circulation and are out of the reach of pests.


Wildlife Gardening

At this time of year, it is essential to supplement natural bird food. If the weather is particularly cold, you may even notice your garden birds becoming much braver in their search for food. Berries and fallen fruits are an important food source but also hang out food to help our feathered friends make it through the winter. If you have any piles of fallen branches, twigs and leaves make sure you leave them a little longer as they may be home to garden wildlife, even a hedgehog! You can gently rake grass cuttings and other fallen leaves or stems into the pile to make sure they have a nice warm environment. It will rot down over time naturally.


It may be Winter but with plenty to be planning for the year ahead, come in to visit us and start putting your plans into action! 

Posted by Steve
18th January 2019

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